POCKET explores a year in the life of an American highschooler, seen entirely through the perspective of his iPhone.
In a stream of consciousness style, the film tells an ‘anti-coming-of-age’ story about technology addiction, sexual awakening, and the perils of contemporary adolescence in a starkly realistic style. Captured with child actors and entirely on iPhones using a custom 3D-printed rig, the film provides audiences with an uncomfortably intimate and voyeuristic peek into the digital gaze of a teenage boy. Designed to be watched on a phone, the vertical film bounces viewers seamlessly between the digital interactions on the boy’s screen and the perspective seen ‘found-footage-style’ through his phone’s cameras, capturing the subtleties of digital communication that would otherwise be lost in a traditional film. Gen-Z is the first generation for whom a majority experience their first instance of intimacy online and not in person: POCKET explores that seismic shift in what it means to be a young person with a developing sexuality today.